Sangam: Radha Krishna's Serene Moments, Rust Sangam: Radha Krishna's Serene Moments, Rust

Sangam: Radha Krishnas heitere Momente, Rostfarbe

starts at ₹ 8,250.00

Sangam: Radha Krishna's Serene Moments, Emerald Green Sangam: Radha Krishna's Serene Moments, Emerald Green

Sangam Radha Krishna Smaragdgrüne Luxustapete

starts at ₹ 8,250.00

Dilli Darbar, Wallpaper in Suneherii Collection, Red & Blue, Customised Dilli Darbar, Wallpaper in Suneherii Collection, Red & Blue, Customised

Dilli Darbar, Tapete in der Suneherii-Kollektion, Rot und Blau, individuell

starts at ₹ 8,250.00

Geet: Madhubani's Artistic Brilliance, Golden Textured Geet: Madhubani's Artistic Brilliance, Golden Textured

Geet Madhubani-Tapete in blauen und goldenen Farben

starts at ₹ 8,250.00

Buy Garden Elegance Continental Room Wallpaper Shop Garden Elegance Continental Room Wallpaper

Kontinentale Zimmertapete „Garden Elegance“.

starts at ₹ 8,250.00

Sunset Serenade, Golden Chinoiserie Wallpaper Design Render with Wardrobe Sunset Serenade, Golden Chinoiserie Wallpaper Design

Sonnenuntergangsserenade, goldenes Chinoiserie-Tapetendesign

starts at ₹ 8,250.00

Chinoiserie Gardens of Antiquity, Luxury Wallpaper, Customised Chinoiserie Gardens of Antiquity, Luxury Wallpaper, Customised

Chinoiserie-Gärten der Antike, Luxus-Tapete, individuell

starts at ₹ 8,250.00

Buy wallpaper with a vintage design Shop wallpaper with a vintage design

Römischer Garten, europäische Gartentapete

starts at ₹ 8,250.00

Banaras, Indian Carpet Design Wallpaper, Customised Shop Online Banaras, Indian Carpet Design Wallpaper, Customised

Banaras, individuelle Tapete mit indischem Teppichdesign

starts at ₹ 8,250.00

Van, Beautiful Vintage Jungle Theme Kids Wallpaper, Multicolor Customised Van, Beautiful Vintage Jungle Theme Kids Wallpaper, Multicolor Customised

Van, Wunderschöne Tapete für Kinder im Vintage-Dschungel-Design, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Pastel Jungle Fun Young Kids Room Wallpaper Shop Pastel Jungle Fun Young Kids Room Wallpaper

Tapete für das Kinderzimmer in Pastellfarben, Dschungelspaß

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Jungle Bubble Kids Room Wallpaper Buy Jungle Bubble Kids Room Wallpaper


starts at ₹ 5,655.00

A Jungle Village, Nature Theme Wallpaper, Customised A Jungle Village, Nature Theme Wallpaper, Customised by lifencolors

Ein Dschungeldorf, Naturthema-Tapete, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 8,250.00

Surmaya, Pleasing Room Wallpaper Design Surmaya, Pleasing Room Wallpaper Design

Surmaya, angenehmes Raumtapetendesign

starts at ₹ 8,250.00

Saanjh, Foliage Theme Wallpaper for Walls Saanjh, Foliage Theme Wallpaper for Walls

Saanjh, Tapete zum Thema Laub für Wände

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Malang, Tropical Theme Wallpaper for Walls Malang, Tropical Theme Wallpaper for Walls

Malang, Tapete mit tropischem Thema für Wände

starts at ₹ 8,250.00

Kaira, Nature Theme Wallpaper for Rooms, Black & White, Customised for bedrooms and living rooms Kaira, Nature Theme Wallpaper for Rooms, Black & White, Customised Buy online at Lifencolors

Kaira, Naturthema-Tapete für Räume, Schwarz-Weiß, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 8,250.00

Island Breeze, Tropical Wallpaper for Rooms, Customised Island Breeze, Tropical Wallpaper for Rooms, Customised

Island Breeze, Tropische Tapete für Räume, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 8,250.00

Roop Mahal, Vintage Wallpaper Design Roop Mahal, Vintage Wallpaper Design

Roop Mahal, Vintage-Tapetendesign

starts at ₹ 8,250.00

Kids World Map with Monuments, Customised Wallpaper Kids World Map with Monuments, Customised Wallpaper

Weltkarte für Kinder mit Denkmälern, individuelles Hintergrundbild

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Detailed Political World Map Wallpaper for Walls Detailed Political World Map Wallpaper for Walls

Detaillierte politische Weltkarten-Tapete für Wände

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Blue World Map for Boys Room Walls Shop Now Blue World Map for Boys Room Walls by Lifencolors

Blaue Weltkarte für Jungenzimmerwände

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Customized Space Theme Wallpaper Design for Kids Room Customized Space Theme Wallpaper Design for Kids Room

Maßgeschneidertes Weltraum-Tapetendesign für das Kinderzimmer

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Ocean World, Kids Room Wallpaper, Customised Ocean World, Kids Room Wallpaper, Customised

Ozeanwelt, Kinderzimmer Tapete, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Cute Animal Design Wallpaper for Nursery Rooms, Customised Cute Animal Design Wallpaper for Nursery Rooms, Customised

Niedliche Tierdesign-Tapete für Kinderzimmer, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Adorable Bunnies and Elephants, Nursery Room Wallpaper Adorable Bunnies and Elephants, Nursery Room Wallpaper

Entzückende Hasen und Elefanten, Tapete für das Kinderzimmer

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

shop Pink Marble Stone Wallpaper, Abstract Design Pattern Pink Marble Stone Wallpaper, Abstract Design Pattern Shop Now

Marmor-Stein-Tapete, abstraktes Designmuster

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Shop Pastel Paradise Abstract Pattern Wallpaper for Room green colors Pastel Paradise Abstract Pattern Wallpaper for Room

Tropischer Wald, digital bemalte Tapete Gelb

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Yellow Indian Motif Wallpaper for Rooms shop now Yellow Indian Motif Wallpaper for Rooms

Rosa Tapete mit indischem Motiv für Schlafzimmer

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Tropical Jungle with Animals Wallpaper for Kids, Customised Tropical Jungle with Animals Wallpaper for Kids, Customised

Tropischer Dschungel mit Tiertapete für Kinder, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Fairyland Kids Design, Girls Room Wallpaper, Customised Fairyland Kids Design, Girls Room Wallpaper, Customised

Märchenland-Kinderdesign, Mädchenzimmer-Tapete, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Dreamy Elephant Design for Kids Room Nursery Wallpaper, Customised Dreamy Elephant Design for Kids Room Nursery Wallpaper, Customised

Verträumtes Elefanten-Design für Kinderzimmer, individuell gestaltete Tapete

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Flying Panda and Hot Air Balloons Kids Rooms Wallpaper, Customised Flying Panda and Hot Air Balloons Kids Rooms Wallpaper, Customised

Fliegender Panda und Heißluftballons Kinderzimmer-Tapete, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Cute Teddy Wall Mural for Kids Room, Customised for Homes Cute Teddy Wall Mural for Kids Room, Customised for Homes

Niedliches Teddy-Wandbild für Kinderzimmer, individuell für Zuhause

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Cute Mermaids Wall Mural for Kids Room Cute Mermaids Wall Mural for Kids Room

Niedliche Meerjungfrauen-Wandbild für das Kinderzimmer

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Galactic Giggles, Cute Animals Theme Kids Room Wallpaper, Customised Galactic Giggles, Cute Animals Theme Kids Room Wallpaper, Customised

Galaktische Giggles, niedliche Tierthema-Kinderzimmertapete, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Beautiful Floral Decoration Hot Air Balloons Wall Paper for Young Kids Rooms, Customised Beautiful Floral Decoration Hot Air Balloons Wall Paper for Young Kids Rooms, Customised

Wunderschöne Blumendekoration Heißluftballons Tapete für junge Kinderzimmer, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Elephants in Night Scene Kids Room Wallpaper Elephants in Night Scene Kids Room Wallpaper

Kinderzimmer Tapete Elefanten in der nachtszene

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

The Sea Voyage, Kids Room Wallpaper, Customised The Sea Voyage, Kids Room Wallpaper, Customised

Die Seereise, Kinderzimmer-Tapete, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Fancy Fashion Girls Wallpaper for Kids Room Fancy Fashion Girls Wallpaper for Kids Room

Ausgefallene modische Mädchen-Tapete für das Kinderzimmer

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Personalised Gliders & Planed Themed Wallpaper for Kids Room, Customised Personalised Gliders & Planed Themed Wallpaper for Kids Room, Customised

Personalisierte Tapete mit dem Thema Segelflugzeuge und Flugzeuge für das Kinderzimmer, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Cute Animals Print Wallpaper Design, Customised Cute Animals Print Wallpaper Design, Customised

Niedliches Tierdruck-Tapetendesign, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Giraffe Cycling on a Rope, Animal Theme for Kids Room, Customised Giraffe Cycling on a Rope, Animal Theme for Kids Room, Customised

Giraffe, die am Seil radelt, Tiermotiv für das Kinderzimmer, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Jungle Theme Kids Room Wallpaper, Giraffe, Elephant, Lioness,Cub, Zebra, Customised Jungle Theme Kids Room Wallpaper, Giraffe, Elephant, Lioness,Cub, Zebra, Customised

Dschungelthema-Kinderzimmertapete, Giraffe, Elefant, Löwin, Jungtier, Zebra, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Cosmic Cutie: Wallpaper for Your Little Astronaut's Nursery, Blue Cosmic Cutie: Wallpaper for Your Little Astronaut's Nursery, Blue

Cosmic Cutie: Tapete für das Kinderzimmer Ihres kleinen Astronauten, Blau

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Pichwai Floral Cow Painting Inspired Rust Orange Wallpaper for Walls Pichwai Floral Cow Painting Inspired Rust Orange Wallpaper for Walls

Von Pichwai Floral Cow Painting inspirierte gelbe Tapete für Wände

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Tropical Forest, Digitally Painted Wallpaper Yellow Tropical Forest, Digitally Painted Wallpaper Yellow

Tropischer Wald, digital bemalte Tapete Gelb

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Plum Blossom Chinoiserie Style Wallpaper for Rooms
Plum Blossom Chinoiserie Style Wallpaper for Rooms

Tapete im Pflaumenblüten-Chinoiserie-Stil für Zimmer

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Nature's Tropical Edge: Lakeside and Mountains, Black & White Nature's Tropical Edge: Lakeside and Mountains, Black & White

Leben in der Natur Schwarz-Weiß-Dschungeltapete

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

A love of Reading, Vintage Books Wallpaper, Customised A love of Reading, Vintage Books Wallpaper, Customised

Eine Liebe zum Lesen, Vintage-Bücher-Tapete, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Siberian Cranes in a Beautiful Background, Customised Wallpaper Siberian Cranes in a Beautiful Background, Customised Wallpaper

Sibirische Kraniche vor einem wunderschönen Hintergrund, individuelles Hintergrundbild

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Tropical Theme Vintage Wallpaper for Walls, Customised Tropical Theme Vintage Wallpaper for Walls, Customised

Tropische Vintage-Tapete für Wände, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Abstract Wallpaper Pattern Using Orange Leaves Abstract Wallpaper Pattern Using Orange Leaves

Abstraktes Tapetenmuster mit orangefarbenen Blättern

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Tropical Leaves in Subtle Background Wallpaper Design Tropical Leaves in Subtle Background Wallpaper Design

Tropische Blätter im dezenten Hintergrund-Tapetendesign

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Lotus Leaves in Tropical Setting Wallpaper Lotus Leaves in Tropical Setting Wallpaper

Tapete mit Lotusblättern in tropischer Umgebung

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Nature Inspired Indian Design with Swans and Peacock Nature Inspired Indian Design with Swans and Peacock

Von der Natur inspiriertes indisches Design mit Schwänen und Pfau

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Vincent Van Gough Almond Blossom Wallpaper, Green Vincent Van Gough Almond Blossom Wallpaper, Green

Vincent Van Gough Mandelblüten-Tapete, Grün

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Golden Stripes With Marble Design Room Wallpaper, Customised Golden Stripes With Marble Design Room Wallpaper, Customised

Goldene Streifen mit Marmordesign-Raumtapete, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Marble Stone Wallpaper, Abstract Design Pattern Marble Stone Wallpaper, Abstract Design Pattern

Marmor-Stein-Tapete, abstraktes Designmuster

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Big Red Flowers on Black and Grey Background Wallpaper, Customised Big Red Flowers on Black and Grey Background Wallpaper, Customised

Große rote Blumen auf schwarzem und grauem Hintergrund, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Indian Mughal Themed Wallpaper for Rooms Indian Mughal Themed Wallpaper for Rooms

Indische Mogul-Tapete für Räume

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Pink Large Floral Print Wallpaper for Rooms Pink Large Floral Print Wallpaper for Rooms

Rosa große Tapete mit Blumendruck für Räume

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Tropical Theme Wallpaper Design with Flamingoes Tropical Theme Wallpaper Design with Flamingoes

Tropisches Tapetendesign mit Flamingos

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Chinoiserie Design, Mustard Yellow Wallpaper for Walls, Customised Chinoiserie Design, Mustard Yellow Wallpaper for Walls, Customised

Chinoiserie-Design, senfgelbe Tapete für Wände, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Chinoiserie Wall Mural with Birds and Flowers, Customised Chinoiserie Wall Mural with Birds and Flowers, Customised

Chinoiserie-Wandbild mit Vögeln und Blumen, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Chinoiserie Lemons, Customised Wallpaper for Walls Chinoiserie Lemons, Customised Wallpaper for Walls

Chinoiserie-Zitronen, maßgeschneiderte Tapete für Wände

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

3D Moulding Design Wallpaper, Customised for Walls, Grey 3D Moulding Design Wallpaper, Customised for Walls, Grey

3D-Design-Tapete, individuell für Wände, Grau

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Buy 3D Moulding Wall Panel Theme Wallpaper, Grey, Customised 3D Moulding Wall Panel Theme Wallpaper, Grey, Customised. Buy Online

3D-Wandpaneel-Thementapete, Grau, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Banjara Design Wallpaper Roll in  Blush Pink Color Banjara Design Wallpaper Roll in  Blush Pink Color Buy Online

Banjara Design Tapetenrolle in der Farbe Blush Pink

starts at ₹ 5,775.00

Tango Design Wallpaper Roll in Maroon Color Buy Tango Design Wallpaper Roll in Maroon Color

Tapetenrolle im Tango-Design in der Farbe Kastanienbraun

starts at ₹ 5,775.00

Stripes Design Wallpaper Roll in Blue and Maroon Color Stripes Design Wallpaper Roll in Blue and Maroon Color For Rooms

Streifen-Design-Tapetenrolle in den Farben Blau und Kastanienbraun

starts at ₹ 5,775.00

Harmonie Stripe Design Wallpaper Roll in Black and Beige Color Harmonie Stripe Design Wallpaper Roll in Black and Beige Color for Rooms

Tapetenrolle im Harmonie-Streifendesign in den Farben Schwarz und Beige

starts at ₹ 5,775.00

Gulshan Indian Design Wallpaper Roll in Sand Color Gulshan Indian Design Wallpaper Roll in Sand Color for  Rooms

Gulshan Indian Design Tapetenrolle in Sandfarbe

starts at ₹ 5,775.00

Phulwari Indian Design Wallpaper Roll in Yellow Color Shop Phulwari Indian Design Wallpaper Roll in Yellow Color

Phulwari Indian Design Tapetenrolle in gelber Farbe

starts at ₹ 5,775.00

Gulmohar Indian Theme Wallpaper Rolls in Blue Color for Rooms Shop Gulmohar Indian Theme Wallpaper Rolls in Blue Color

Tapetenrollen mit indischem Motiv von Gulmohar in blauer Farbe

starts at ₹ 5,775.00

Serene Abstract Mood Blue Colors Room Wallcovering Serene Abstract Mood Blue Colors Room Wallcovering

Serene Abstract Mood Blue Colors Raumwandverkleidung

starts at ₹ 5,775.00

White Tree Sketch on Green Background Wallpaper White Tree Sketch on Green Background Wallpaper

Weiße Baumskizze auf grünem Hintergrund, Tapete für Wände

starts at ₹ 5,775.00

Blossom Garden: Gorgeous Floral Wallpaper Blossom Garden: Gorgeous Floral Wallpaper

Blossom Garden Wunderschöne Schlafzimmertapete mit Blumenmuster

starts at ₹ 5,775.00

Indian Motif Look Wallpaper for Rooms, Olive Green Indian Motif Look Wallpaper for Rooms, Olive Green

Indische Motiv-Look-Tapete für Räume, Olivgrün

starts at ₹ 5,775.00

Classy Pista Green Colors Wallpaper for Rooms, Customised Classy Pista Green Colors Wallpaper for Rooms, Customised

Stilvolle Tapete in Pista-Grüntönen für Räume

starts at ₹ 5,775.00

Vintage Style Floral Pattern Wallpaper for Rooms Vintage Style Floral Pattern Wallpaper for Rooms

Tapete mit Blumenmuster im Vintage-Stil für Räume

starts at ₹ 5,775.00

Sharmana, Indian Motif Theme Wallpaper Sharmana, Indian Motif Theme Wallpaper

Sharmana, Hintergrundbild mit indischem Motiv

starts at ₹ 5,775.00

Geet Madhubani Wallpaper Velvet Red Color Living Area Geet Madhubani Wallpaper Velvet Red Color Buy Now

Geet Madhubani Tapete düstere blaue Farbe

starts at ₹ 8,250.00

Geet Madhubani Wallpaper Deep Yellow Color Living area Geet Madhubani Wallpaper Deep Yellow Color Buy Now

Geet Madhubani Tapete düstere blaue Farbe

starts at ₹ 8,250.00

Twinkling Tales Dark Blue Repeat Pattern, Design for Kids Room Twinkling Tales Dark Blue Repeat Pattern, Design for Kids Room Buy Now

Wildlife Campout im Dschungel, Design für Kinder, Herbst

starts at ₹ 5,775.00

Dreamy Melody in Dark Blue Kids Room Wallpaper Dreamy Melody in Dark Blue Kids Room Wallpaper Buy Now


starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Petal Mosaic Rust Yellow Abstract Customised Wallpaper for Rooms Foyer Area Petal Mosaic Rust Yellow Abstract Customised Wallpaper for Rooms Buy Now

Industrie-Look-Ikat-Muster-Fusion-Design-Tapete, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Whispers of the Savanna Sepia Repeat Pattern, Design for Kids Room Shop Whispers of the Savanna Sepia Repeat Pattern, Design for Kids Room By Lifencolors

Wildlife Campout im Dschungel, Design für Kinder, Herbst

starts at ₹ 5,775.00

Savanna Jungle theme Sepia Color Kids Room Wallpaper Savanna Jungle theme Sepia Color Kids Room Wallpaper Shop Now


starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Ethernal Maze Abstract Wallpaper in Yellow Color Customised Living Room Ethernal Maze Abstract Wallpaper in Yellow Color Customised Buy Now

Industrie-Look-Ikat-Muster-Fusion-Design-Tapete, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Ethernal Maze Abstract Wallpaper Customised Living Area Ethernal Maze Abstract Wallpaper Customised Buy Now

Industrie-Look-Ikat-Muster-Fusion-Design-Tapete, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Earthen Mosaic Abstract Wallpaper in Olive Green Color, Customised living Area Earthen Mosaic Abstract Wallpaper in Olive Green Color, Customised Buy Now

Industrie-Look-Ikat-Muster-Fusion-Design-Tapete, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Earthen Mosaic Abstract Wallpaper in Light Blue Color, Customised foyer area Earthen Mosaic Abstract Wallpaper in Light Blue Color, Customised Shop Now

Industrie-Look-Ikat-Muster-Fusion-Design-Tapete, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Vibraze Abstract Fusion Design Wallpaper in Oliv Green Color, Customised Living Area Vibraze Abstract Fusion Design Wallpaper in Oliv Green Color, Customised Shop Now

Industrie-Look-Ikat-Muster-Fusion-Design-Tapete, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Petal Mosaic Clay Red Abstract Customised Wallpaper for Rooms Petal Mosaic Clay Red Abstract Customised Wallpaper for Rooms Buy Now

Industrie-Look-Ikat-Muster-Fusion-Design-Tapete, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Petal Mosaic Abstract Customised Wallpaper for Rooms Bathroom Petal Mosaic Abstract Customised Wallpaper for Rooms Shop Now

Industrie-Look-Ikat-Muster-Fusion-Design-Tapete, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Japanese Cloud Dark Blue Abstract Customised Wallpaper for Rooms Wardrobe Japanese Cloud Dark Blue Abstract Customised Wallpaper for Rooms Buy Now

Industrie-Look-Ikat-Muster-Fusion-Design-Tapete, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Japanese Cloud Abstract Customised Wallpaper for Rooms Japanese Cloud Abstract Customised Wallpaper for Rooms Buy Now

Industrie-Look-Ikat-Muster-Fusion-Design-Tapete, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Formerly Tribal Teal Abstract Customised Wallpaper for Rooms Living Area Shop Formerly Tribal Teal Abstract Customised Wallpaper for Rooms By Lifencolors

Industrie-Look-Ikat-Muster-Fusion-Design-Tapete, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Formerly Tribal Abstract Customised Wallpaper for Rooms Formerly Tribal Abstract Customised Wallpaper for Rooms Buy Now

Industrie-Look-Ikat-Muster-Fusion-Design-Tapete, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

High-Quality, Eco-Friendly Wallpaper for Walls – A Life n Colors Collection

Transform your space with our exclusive range of wallpaper for walls designed to suit every home and office. At Life n Colors, our wall wallpaper selection combines stunning designs, durability, and eco-friendly materials to provide the best wallpapers for homes. Explore innovative textures and bold patterns that elevate your room décor with style and finesse.

Why Choose Wallpaper for Your Home?

Wall decor is more than just an aesthetic choice – it’s a way to infuse your personality into every room. Our wallpaper collections revitalize your living spaces by offering:

  • Versatility: From minimalist designs to expressive patterns, our range of room wallpapers caters to every taste.
  • Effortless Transformation: Achieve a flawless finish without the hassle of traditional painting.
  • Durability: Enjoy long-lasting beauty with premium materials that stand the test of time.
  • Eco-Friendly Options: Choose sustainable wallpapers that are kind to the environment.

Explore Our Room-Specific Collections

Each space in your home has unique requirements. Our curated collections are designed to enhance every room, ensuring your walls become the canvas of your creativity.

Bedroom Wallpapers

Create a serene sanctuary with our bedroom wallpaper collection. Our designs combine calming textures and soft hues to transform your personal retreat into a haven of relaxation.

Living Room Wallpapers

Elevate the heart of your home with our living room wallpaper collection. Choose from sophisticated patterns and vibrant colors that make a bold statement while adding warmth and comfort.

Fabric & Textile-Inspired Wallpapers

Discover our exquisite fabric collection, where texture meets art. These wallpapers mimic the richness of fine textiles, delivering a unique blend of traditional craftsmanship and modern design.

Pichwai Theme Wallpapers

Embrace timeless artistry with our Pichwai wallpapers. Inspired by classic Rajasthani art, these designs bring a spiritual and ethnic charm to any wall, creating a captivating focal point.

Tropical Theme Room Wallpapers

Bring the vibrancy of nature indoors with our tropical wallpapers for rooms. Perfect for creating a refreshing, upbeat ambiance, these wallpapers celebrate lush motifs and energetic patterns.

Floral Bedroom Wallpapers

Add a touch of romance and sophistication with our floral bedroom wallpapers. Featuring intricate floral designs, these wallpapers combine elegance with playful charm – ideal for both modern and traditional spaces.

Installation & Care Tips for Your Wall Wallpaper

Installation Techniques

  1. Preparation: Clean your walls and repair any imperfections to provide a smooth base.
  2. Application: Select the right adhesive for your wallpaper type and start from the center to maintain symmetry.
  3. Smoothing Out: Use a wallpaper brush or smoother to eliminate air bubbles for a perfect finish.

Post-Installation Care

  1. Light Protection: Avoid prolonged direct sunlight to prevent fading.
  2. Cleaning: Gently clean with a damp cloth and avoid harsh chemicals.

Additional Resources

For more information and guidance, explore our additional resources:

At Life n Colors, we’re committed to delivering exceptional design and quality. Shop now to experience the transformative power of our wallpaper for walls and let every room become a masterpiece of creativity and style.

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