Hand Painted Look Tropical Leaves Wallpaper for Rooms Hand Painted Look Tropical Leaves Wallpaper for Rooms

Handgemalte Tapete mit tropischen Blättern für Räume

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Hibiscus Flowers with Tropical Leaves, Customised Wallpaper Hibiscus Flowers with Tropical Leaves, Customised Wallpaper

Hibiskusblüten mit tropischen Blättern, individuelle Tapete

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Indian Warli Art, Peacock and Trees Wallpaper Indian Warli Art, Peacock and Trees Wallpaper

Indische Warli-Kunst, Tapete mit Pfauen und Bäumen

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Indian Warli Art Wallpaper Design for Walls Indian Warli Art Wallpaper Design for Walls

Indisches Warli Art Tapetendesign für Wände

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Tropical Theme Customised Wallpaper Design Tropical Theme Customised Wallpaper Design

Individuelles Tapetendesign mit tropischem Thema

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Black & Golden Ethnic Warli Tribal Art Wallpaper, Customised Black & Golden Ethnic Warli Tribal Art Wallpaper, Customised

Schwarz-goldene ethnische Warli-Stammeskunst-Tapete, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Indian Ethnic Warli Tribal Art Wallpaper, Green Indian Ethnic Warli Tribal Art Wallpaper, Green

Indische ethnische Warli-Stammeskunst-Tapete, grün

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Standing Buddha Wallpaper for Walls, Customized Wallpaper Standing Buddha Wallpaper for Walls, Customized Wallpaper

Stehende Buddha-Tapete für Wände, individuelle Tapete

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

3D Elegant Buddha Wallpaper for Homes and Offices,Customised 3D Elegant Buddha Wallpaper for Homes and Offices,Customised

3D-Tapete mit elegantem Buddha für Zuhause und Büro, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Purple Abstract Modern Wallpaper Design, Bedrooms Purple Abstract Modern Wallpaper Design, Bedrooms

Lila abstraktes modernes Tapetendesign, Schlafzimmer

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Colorful Carpet Inspired Wall Murals, Customised Colorful Carpet Inspired Wall Murals, Customised

Bunte Teppich-inspirierte Wandgemälde, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Flamingos in Tropical Theme Wallpaper, Customised Flamingos in Tropical Theme Wallpaper, Customised

Flamingos im tropischen Themenhintergrund, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Geometric Abstract Design for Walls, Customised wallpaper Geometric Abstract Design for Walls, Customised wallpaper

Geometrisches abstraktes Design für Wände, individuelle Tapete

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Tropical Theme-Birds of Paradise, Customised for Homes Tropical Theme-Birds of Paradise, Customised for Homes

Tropische Themen-Paradiesvögel, maßgeschneidert für Häuser

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Triangle Pattern Brownish Background Triangle Pattern Brownish Background

Dreiecksmuster, bräunlicher Hintergrund

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Painting of Lord Krishna, Customised Wallpaper Painting of Lord Krishna, Customised Wallpaper

Gemälde von Lord Krishna, individuelle Tapete

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Yellow and Green Abstract Look Wallpaper for Walls, Customised Yellow and Green Abstract Look Wallpaper for Walls, Customised

Gelbe und grüne Tapete im abstrakten Look für Wände, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Pen Sketch Wallpaper, City Look Design, Customised Pen Sketch Wallpaper, City Look Design, Customised

Tapete mit Stiftskizze, City-Look-Design, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Abstract Color Gradient Wall Art, Pink and Blue, Customised Abstract Color Gradient Wall Art, Pink and Blue, Customised

Abstrakte Wandkunst mit Farbverlauf, Rosa und Blau, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Green and Blue Geometric Shapes, Wallpaper for Walls, Customised Green and Blue Geometric Shapes, Wallpaper for Walls, Customised

Grüne und blaue geometrische Formen, Tapete für Wände, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Rose Gold Geometric Pattern Wallpaper with 3D look Rose Gold Geometric Pattern Wallpaper with 3D look

Roségoldene Tapete mit geometrischem Muster im 3D-Look

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Dense Floral Wall Pattern, Customised Wallpaper Dense Floral Wall Pattern, Customised Wallpaper

Dichtes Blumenwandmuster, individuelle Tapete

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Yellow & Orange Water Color Shades, Abstract Wallpaper Yellow & Orange Water Color Shades, Abstract Wallpaper

Gelbe und orangefarbene Aquarelltöne, abstrakte Tapete

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Green Peaceful Forest, Silhouette Design Wallpaper Green Peaceful Forest, Silhouette Design Wallpaper

Grüner, friedlicher Wald, Silhouette-Design-Tapete

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Vintage Tropical Look Wallpaper, Customised Vintage Tropical Look Wallpaper, Customised

Tapete im Vintage-Tropen-Look, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Retro Style Tropical Themed Wallpapers for Rooms Retro Style Tropical Themed Wallpapers for Rooms

Tropische Tapeten im Retro-Stil für Räume

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Indian Peacock Traditional Theme Wallpaper for Rooms Indian Peacock Traditional Theme Wallpaper for Rooms

Indische Pfauen-Tapete mit traditionellem Thema für Räume

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Hawa Mahal Jaipur Inspired India Wall Mural Hawa Mahal Jaipur Inspired India Wall Mural

Von Hawa Mahal Jaipur inspiriertes Indien-Wandbild

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Customised Quirky Abstract Mughal Themed Wallpaper Customised Quirky Abstract Mughal Themed Wallpaper

Maßgeschneiderte, skurrile, abstrakte Mughal-Tapete

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Wonders of the World, Sketch Wallpaper Wonders of the World, Sketch Wallpaper

Weltwunder, Skizzentapete

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Beautiful Line Art Scenic Wallpaper, Customised Beautiful Line Art Scenic Wallpaper, Customised

Wunderschöne szenische Tapete mit Strichzeichnungen, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Desert Daze Modern Abstract Theme Wallpaper Light Blue Desert Daze Modern Abstract Theme Wallpaper Light Blue Shop Now

Sutra, grüne abstrakte geometrische Mustertapete

starts at ₹ 5,775.00

Shop Sutra, Green Abstract Geometric Patten Wallpaper Sepia Sutra, Green Abstract Geometric Patten Wallpaper Sepia

Sutra, grüne abstrakte geometrische Mustertapete

starts at ₹ 5,775.00

Shop Vibrant Floral Wallpaper, Repeat Patten Beige Vibrant Floral Wallpaper, Repeat Patten Beige

Lebhafte Blumentapete, Wiederholungsmuster

starts at ₹ 5,775.00

Sarangi Rajasthani Block Print Design Wallpaper Rust Sarangi Rajasthani Block Print Design Wallpaper Rust

Sarangi Rajasthani Blockprint Design Tapete Rost

starts at ₹ 5,775.00

Buy Sarangi Rajasthani Block Print Design Wallpaper Blue Sarangi Rajasthani Block Print Design Wallpaper Blue

Sarangi Rajasthani Blockdruck-Designtapete Blau

starts at ₹ 5,775.00

White and Grey Marble Design Wallpaper for Rooms White and Grey Marble Design Wallpaper for Rooms

Weiße und graue Marmor-Designtapete für Räume

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Big Lotuses in Vintage Theme Wallpaper,  Customised Big Lotuses in Vintage Theme Wallpaper,  Customised

Große Lotusblumen im Vintage-Design, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Vintage Forest Theme Wallpaper, Grisaille Style Bedroom Vintage Forest Theme Wallpaper, Grisaille Style Foyer Area

Tapete mit Vintage-Waldmotiv im Grisaille-Stil

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Light Green Trees in Tropical Room Wallpaper Light Green Trees in Tropical Room Wallpaper

Tapete mit hellgrünen Bäumen im tropischen Raum

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Hängende Blumentapete im Aquarell-Look für Schlafzimmer Water Color Look Hanging Floral Wallpaper for Bedrooms

Hängende Blumentapete im Aquarell-Look für Schlafzimmer

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Forest Theme Wallpaper for Rooms, Customised Forest Theme Wallpaper for Rooms, Customised

Waldthema-Tapete für Räume, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Golden Strips with Natural Marble Wall Wallpaper, Customised Golden Strips with Natural Marble Wall Wallpaper, Customised

Goldene Streifen mit natürlicher Marmorwandtapete, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

White Marble Design with Golden Stripes Wallpaper White Marble Design with Golden Stripes Wallpaper

Weißes Marmordesign mit goldener Streifentapete

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

White and Golden Natural Marble Style Wall Wallpaper White and Golden Natural Marble Style Wall Wallpaper

Weiße und goldene Wandtapete im natürlichen Marmorstil

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Pink Flamingos in Tropical Jungle Wallpaper for Rooms Pink Flamingos in Tropical Jungle Wallpaper for Rooms

Rosa Flamingos im tropischen Dschungel Tapete für Zimmer

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Hanging Floral Pattern for Beautiful Wallpaper, Customised Hanging Floral Pattern for Beautiful Wallpaper, Customised

Hängendes Blumenmuster für schöne Tapeten, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Tropical Green Forest, Digitally Painted Wallpaper Tropical Green Forest, Digitally Painted Wallpaper

Tropischer grüner Wald, digital bemalte Tapete

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Abstract Floral Wallpaper Design, Customised, Beige, Customised Abstract Floral Wallpaper Design, Customised, Beige, Customised

Abstraktes Blumentapetendesign, individuell, Beige, individuell

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Tropical Theme Wallpaper, Gold Brown Foliage Tropical Theme Wallpaper, Gold Brown Foliage

Tapete mit tropischem Thema, goldbraunes Laub

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Indian Hand Painted Look Floral Design Wallpaper Indian Hand Painted Look Floral Design Wallpaper

Indische handbemalte Tapete mit floralem Design

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Big Flowers with Watercolor Effect, Mural for Room, Customised Big Flowers with Watercolor Effect, Mural for Room, Customised

Große Blumen mit Aquarelleffekt, Wandbild für Zimmer, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Mughal Theme Indian Wallpaper Design Mughal Theme Indian Wallpaper Design

Mogul-Thema Indisches Tapetendesign

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Vintage Travel Theme World Map Wallpaper for Walls, Customised Vintage Travel Theme World Map Wallpaper for Walls, Customised

Maßgeschneiderte Tapete mit Weltkarte im Vintage-Reisethema für Wände

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Beautiful Floral Wallpaper, Frame Pattern for Bedrooms, Customised Beautiful Floral Wallpaper, Frame Pattern for Bedrooms, Customised

Wunderschöne Blumentapete, Rahmenmuster für Schlafzimmer, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

3D World Map with Country Names for Walls, Blue, Customised

3D-Weltkarte mit Ländernamen für Wände, blau, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Chinoiserie Pattern Wallpaper, Birds and Branches, Customised Chinoiserie Pattern Wallpaper, Birds and Branches, Customised

Chinoiserie-Mustertapete, Vögel und Zweige, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Chinoiserie Pattern Wallpaper, Customised Room Walls, Customised Chinoiserie Pattern Wallpaper, Customised Room Walls, Customised

Tapete mit Chinoiserie-Muster, individuelle Raumwände, individuell

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Pichwai Wallpaper, Pink & White, Cows & Lotus Pichwai Wallpaper, Pink & White, Cows & Lotus

Pichwai-Tapete, Rosa und Weiß, Kühe und Lotus

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Pichwai Cow Design  Blue Wallpaper for Walls, Customised Pichwai Cow Design  Blue Wallpaper for Walls, Customised

Pichwai Cow Design Blaue Tapete für Wände, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Cows and Lotus In Pichwai Style Wallpaper, Pink & Blue, Customised Cows and Lotus In Pichwai Style Wallpaper, Pink & Blue, Customised

Tapete mit Kühen und Lotus im Pichwai-Stil, rosa und blau, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Pichwai Cow Painting Inspired Wallpaper for Walls, Customised Pichwai Cow Painting Inspired Wallpaper for Walls, Customised

Von der Pichwai-Kuhmalerei inspirierte Tapete für Wände, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Vintage Wallpaper in Blue and Beige Background, Customised Vintage Wallpaper in Blue and Beige Background, Customised

Vintage-Tapete mit blauem und beigem Hintergrund, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Vintage World Map, Beige and Brown Colors, Wall Wallpaper, Customised Vintage World Map, Beige and Brown Colors, Wall Wallpaper, Customised

Vintage Weltkarte, Beige und Braune Farben, Wandtapete, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Distorted Paint Texture Themed Wallpaper for Walls Distorted Paint Texture Themed Wallpaper for Walls

Verzerrte Farbtextur-Tapete für Wände

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Pink Chinoiserie Pattern Wallpaper Pink Chinoiserie Pattern Wallpaper

Rosa Chinoiserie-Mustertapete für Wände

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Blue Chinoiserie Wallpaper, Flowers & Birds, Customised Blue Chinoiserie Wallpaper, Flowers & Birds, Customised

Blaue Chinoiserie-Tapete, Blumen und Vögel, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Subtle World Map Wallpaper for Rooms, Customised Subtle World Map Wallpaper for Rooms, Customised

Dezente Weltkarten-Tapete für Räume, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

White Cow and Lotuses, Pichwai Wallpaper White Cow and Lotuses, Pichwai Wallpaper

Weiße Kuh und Lotusblumen, Pichwai-Tapete

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

3D Look Marble Wallpaper with Rose Gold Color Lines, Customised 3D Look Marble Wallpaper with Rose Gold Color Lines, Customised

Marmortapete im 3D-Look mit roségoldfarbenen Linien, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Vibrant Cow Pichwai: Spiritual Pooja Room Wallpaper, Green Vibrant Cow Pichwai: Spiritual Pooja Room Wallpaper, Green

Lebendige Kuh Pichwai: Spirituelle Pooja-Raumtapete, Grün

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

3D Moulding Look Wallpaper Design for Rooms, Grey 3D Moulding Look Wallpaper Design for Rooms, Grey

Tapetendesign in 3D-Formoptik für Räume, Grau

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Buy Sarangi Rajasthani Block Print Design Wallpaper Beige Sarangi Rajasthani Block Print Design Wallpaper Beige

Sarangi Rajasthani Blockdruck-Designtapete Beige

starts at ₹ 5,775.00

Birdies and Unicorns Design Wallpaper Roll in Peach and Green Color Birdies and Unicorns Design Wallpaper Roll in Peach and Green Color Buy Online

Tapetenrolle mit Vögelchen und Einhörnern in den Farben Pfirsich und Grün

starts at ₹ 5,775.00

Sleep time Design Wallpaper Roll in Green Color Sleep time  Wallpaper  Green Color  for Bedroom

Tapetenrolle „Schlafzeit-Design“ in grüner Farbe

starts at ₹ 5,775.00

City life Design Wallpaper Roll in Pastel Color City life Design Wallpaper Roll in Pastel Color For Rooms

Tapetenrolle mit Stadtleben-Design in Pastellfarben

starts at ₹ 5,775.00

Animals Alphabet Design Wallpaper Roll in Green Color Animals Alphabet Design Wallpaper Roll in Green Color Buy Online

Tapetenrolle mit Tier-Alphabet-Design in grüner Farbe

starts at ₹ 5,775.00

Sunrise Design Wallpaper Roll in Green Color Sunrise Design Wallpaper Roll in Green Color Buy Online

Tapetenrolle im Sonnenaufgang-Design in grüner Farbe

starts at ₹ 5,775.00

Sunrise Design Wallpaper Roll in Pink Color Sunrise Design Wallpaper Roll in Pink Color Buy Online

Tapetenrolle im Sonnenaufgang-Design in rosa Farbe

starts at ₹ 5,775.00

Sunrise Design Wallpaper Roll in Honey Color Sunrise Design Wallpaper Roll in Honey Color Buy Online

Tapetenrolle im Sonnenaufgang-Design in der Farbe Honig

starts at ₹ 5,775.00

Banjara Design Wallpaper Roll in Grey Color Banjara Design Wallpaper Roll in Grey Color Buy Online

Banjara Design Tapetenrolle in grauer Farbe

starts at ₹ 5,775.00

Ivy Design Theme Wallpaper Rolls in Light Olive Color Shop Ivy Design Theme Wallpaper Rolls in Light Olive Color

Tapetenrollen zum Thema Ivy Design in heller Olivfarbe

starts at ₹ 5,775.00

Ivy Design Theme Wallpaper Rolls in Green Color Shop Ivy Design Theme Wallpaper Rolls in Green Color

Tapetenrollen mit Efeu-Design-Thema in grüner Farbe

starts at ₹ 5,775.00

Ivy Design Theme Wallpaper Rolls in Dusty Pink Color Shop Ivy Design Theme Wallpaper Rolls in Dusty Pink Color

Tapetenrollen zum Thema Ivy Design in staubigem Rosa

starts at ₹ 5,775.00

Banjara Design Wallpaper Roll in Green Color Banjara Design Wallpaper Roll in Green Color For Rooms

Banjara Design Tapetenrolle in grüner Farbe

starts at ₹ 5,775.00

Roses Design Wallpaper Roll in Yellow Wanderlust Color Roses Design Wallpaper Roll in Yellow Wanderlust Color Buy Online

Rosen-Design-Tapetenrolle in der gelben Wanderlust-Farbe

starts at ₹ 5,775.00

Roses Design Wallpaper Roll in Blue Wanderlust Color Roses Design Wallpaper Roll in Blue Wanderlust Color Buy Online

Rosen-Design-Tapetenrolle in der Farbe Blaues Wanderlust

starts at ₹ 5,775.00

Roses Design Wallpaper Roll in Peach Wanderlust Color Shop Roses Design Wallpaper Roll in Peach Wanderlust Color

Rosen-Design-Tapetenrolle in der Farbe Pfirsich Wanderlust

starts at ₹ 5,775.00

Intersect Design Wallpaper Roll in Mustang Blue Color Intersect Design Wallpaper Roll in Mustang Blue Color For Rooms

Intersect Design Tapetenrolle in der Farbe Mustang Blue

starts at ₹ 5,775.00

Intersect Design Wallpaper Roll in Tan Color Intersect Design Wallpaper Roll in Tan Color Buy Online

Intersect Design Tapetenrolle in der Farbe Hellbraun

starts at ₹ 5,775.00

Intersect Design Wallpaper Roll in Ivory Color Intersect Design Wallpaper Roll in Ivory Color Buy Online

Intersect Design Tapetenrolle in Elfenbeinfarbe

starts at ₹ 5,775.00

Symmetry Design Wallpaper Roll in Feather Green Color Symmetry Design Wallpaper Roll in Feather Green Color For Rooms

Symmetry Design Tapetenrolle in der Farbe Federgrün

starts at ₹ 5,775.00

Symmetry Design Wallpaper Roll in Beige & Aqua Color Symmetry Design Wallpaper Roll in Beige & Aqua Color for Rooms

Tapetenrolle im Symmetrie-Design in den Farben Beige und Aqua

starts at ₹ 5,775.00

Symmetry Design Wallpaper Roll in Beige & Dusty Pink Color Symmetry Design Wallpaper Roll in Beige & Dusty Pink Color For Rooms

Symmetry Design Tapetenrolle in Beige und Altrosa

starts at ₹ 5,775.00

Gridlock Design Wallpaper Roll in Hazlewood Color Gridlock Design Wallpaper Roll in Hazlewood Color Buy Online

Gridlock Design Tapetenrolle in der Farbe Hazlewood

starts at ₹ 5,775.00

Gridlock Design Wallpaper Roll in Charcoal Color Gridlock Design Wallpaper Roll in Charcoal Color Buy Online

Gridlock Design Tapetenrolle in Anthrazit

starts at ₹ 5,775.00

Gridlock Design Wallpaper Roll in Blue Color Gridlock Design Wallpaper Roll in Blue Color for Rooms

Gridlock Design Tapetenrolle in blauer Farbe

starts at ₹ 5,775.00

Rangat Indian Theme Wallpaper Rolls in Blue Color Shop Rangat Indian Theme Wallpaper Rolls in Blue Color

Tapetenrollen mit indischem Rangat-Thema in blauer Farbe

starts at ₹ 5,775.00

Rangat Indian Theme Wallpaper Rolls in Cream Color Shop Rangat Indian Theme Wallpaper Rolls in Cream Color

Tapetenrollen mit indischem Rangat-Thema in Cremefarbe

starts at ₹ 5,775.00

Rangat Indian Theme Wallpaper Rolls in Green Color Shop Rangat Indian Theme Wallpaper Rolls in Green Color

Tapetenrollen mit indischem Rangat-Thema in grüner Farbe

starts at ₹ 5,775.00

High-Quality, Eco-Friendly Wallpaper for Walls – A Life n Colors Collection

Transform your space with our exclusive range of wallpaper for walls designed to suit every home and office. At Life n Colors, our wall wallpaper selection combines stunning designs, durability, and eco-friendly materials to provide the best wallpapers for homes. Explore innovative textures and bold patterns that elevate your room décor with style and finesse.

Why Choose Wallpaper for Your Home?

Wall decor is more than just an aesthetic choice – it’s a way to infuse your personality into every room. Our wallpaper collections revitalize your living spaces by offering:

  • Versatility: From minimalist designs to expressive patterns, our range of room wallpapers caters to every taste.
  • Effortless Transformation: Achieve a flawless finish without the hassle of traditional painting.
  • Durability: Enjoy long-lasting beauty with premium materials that stand the test of time.
  • Eco-Friendly Options: Choose sustainable wallpapers that are kind to the environment.

Explore Our Room-Specific Collections

Each space in your home has unique requirements. Our curated collections are designed to enhance every room, ensuring your walls become the canvas of your creativity.

Bedroom Wallpapers

Create a serene sanctuary with our bedroom wallpaper collection. Our designs combine calming textures and soft hues to transform your personal retreat into a haven of relaxation.

Living Room Wallpapers

Elevate the heart of your home with our living room wallpaper collection. Choose from sophisticated patterns and vibrant colors that make a bold statement while adding warmth and comfort.

Fabric & Textile-Inspired Wallpapers

Discover our exquisite fabric collection, where texture meets art. These wallpapers mimic the richness of fine textiles, delivering a unique blend of traditional craftsmanship and modern design.

Pichwai Theme Wallpapers

Embrace timeless artistry with our Pichwai wallpapers. Inspired by classic Rajasthani art, these designs bring a spiritual and ethnic charm to any wall, creating a captivating focal point.

Tropical Theme Room Wallpapers

Bring the vibrancy of nature indoors with our tropical wallpapers for rooms. Perfect for creating a refreshing, upbeat ambiance, these wallpapers celebrate lush motifs and energetic patterns.

Floral Bedroom Wallpapers

Add a touch of romance and sophistication with our floral bedroom wallpapers. Featuring intricate floral designs, these wallpapers combine elegance with playful charm – ideal for both modern and traditional spaces.

Installation & Care Tips for Your Wall Wallpaper

Installation Techniques

  1. Preparation: Clean your walls and repair any imperfections to provide a smooth base.
  2. Application: Select the right adhesive for your wallpaper type and start from the center to maintain symmetry.
  3. Smoothing Out: Use a wallpaper brush or smoother to eliminate air bubbles for a perfect finish.

Post-Installation Care

  1. Light Protection: Avoid prolonged direct sunlight to prevent fading.
  2. Cleaning: Gently clean with a damp cloth and avoid harsh chemicals.

Additional Resources

For more information and guidance, explore our additional resources:

At Life n Colors, we’re committed to delivering exceptional design and quality. Shop now to experience the transformative power of our wallpaper for walls and let every room become a masterpiece of creativity and style.

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