Malang, Tropical Theme Wallpaper for Walls Malang, Tropical Theme Wallpaper for Walls
Malang, Tapete mit tropischem Thema für Wände

starts at ₹ 8,250.00

Kaira, Nature Theme Wallpaper for Rooms, Black & White, Customised for bedrooms and living rooms Kaira, Nature Theme Wallpaper for Rooms, Black & White, Customised Buy online at Lifencolors
Kaira, Naturthema-Tapete für Räume, Schwarz-Weiß, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 8,250.00

Island Breeze, Tropical Wallpaper for Rooms, Customised Island Breeze, Tropical Wallpaper for Rooms, Customised
Island Breeze, Tropische Tapete für Räume, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 8,250.00

Roop Mahal, Vintage Wallpaper Design Roop Mahal, Vintage Wallpaper Design
Roop Mahal, Vintage-Tapetendesign

starts at ₹ 8,250.00

Detailed Political World Map Wallpaper for Walls Detailed Political World Map Wallpaper for Walls
Detaillierte politische Weltkarten-Tapete für Wände

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Blue World Map for Boys Room Walls Shop Now Blue World Map for Boys Room Walls by Lifencolors
Blaue Weltkarte für Jungenzimmerwände

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Customized Space Theme Wallpaper Design for Kids Room Customized Space Theme Wallpaper Design for Kids Room
Maßgeschneidertes Weltraum-Tapetendesign für das Kinderzimmer

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Ocean World, Kids Room Wallpaper, Customised Ocean World, Kids Room Wallpaper, Customised
Ozeanwelt, Kinderzimmer Tapete, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Cute Animal Design Wallpaper for Nursery Rooms, Customised Cute Animal Design Wallpaper for Nursery Rooms, Customised
Niedliche Tierdesign-Tapete für Kinderzimmer, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Adorable Bunnies and Elephants, Nursery Room Wallpaper Adorable Bunnies and Elephants, Nursery Room Wallpaper
Entzückende Hasen und Elefanten, Tapete für das Kinderzimmer

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Tropical Jungle with Animals Wallpaper for Kids, Customised Tropical Jungle with Animals Wallpaper for Kids, Customised
Tropischer Dschungel mit Tiertapete für Kinder, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Fairyland Kids Design, Girls Room Wallpaper, Customised Fairyland Kids Design, Girls Room Wallpaper, Customised
Märchenland-Kinderdesign, Mädchenzimmer-Tapete, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Dreamy Elephant Design for Kids Room Nursery Wallpaper, Customised Dreamy Elephant Design for Kids Room Nursery Wallpaper, Customised
Verträumtes Elefanten-Design für Kinderzimmer, individuell gestaltete Tapete

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Flying Panda and Hot Air Balloons Kids Rooms Wallpaper, Customised Flying Panda and Hot Air Balloons Kids Rooms Wallpaper, Customised
Fliegender Panda und Heißluftballons Kinderzimmer-Tapete, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Cute Teddy Wall Mural for Kids Room, Customised for Homes Cute Teddy Wall Mural for Kids Room, Customised for Homes
Niedliches Teddy-Wandbild für Kinderzimmer, individuell für Zuhause

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Cute Mermaids Wall Mural for Kids Room Cute Mermaids Wall Mural for Kids Room
Niedliche Meerjungfrauen-Wandbild für das Kinderzimmer

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Galactic Giggles, Cute Animals Theme Kids Room Wallpaper, Customised Galactic Giggles, Cute Animals Theme Kids Room Wallpaper, Customised
Galaktische Giggles, niedliche Tierthema-Kinderzimmertapete, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Beautiful Floral Decoration Hot Air Balloons Wall Paper for Young Kids Rooms, Customised Beautiful Floral Decoration Hot Air Balloons Wall Paper for Young Kids Rooms, Customised
Wunderschöne Blumendekoration Heißluftballons Tapete für junge Kinderzimmer, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Elephants in Night Scene Kids Room Wallpaper Elephants in Night Scene Kids Room Wallpaper
Kinderzimmer Tapete Elefanten in der nachtszene

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

The Sea Voyage, Kids Room Wallpaper, Customised The Sea Voyage, Kids Room Wallpaper, Customised
Die Seereise, Kinderzimmer-Tapete, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Personalised Gliders & Planed Themed Wallpaper for Kids Room, Customised Personalised Gliders & Planed Themed Wallpaper for Kids Room, Customised
Personalisierte Tapete mit dem Thema Segelflugzeuge und Flugzeuge für das Kinderzimmer, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Cute Animals Print Wallpaper Design, Customised Cute Animals Print Wallpaper Design, Customised
Niedliches Tierdruck-Tapetendesign, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Giraffe Cycling on a Rope, Animal Theme for Kids Room, Customised Giraffe Cycling on a Rope, Animal Theme for Kids Room, Customised
Giraffe, die am Seil radelt, Tiermotiv für das Kinderzimmer, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Jungle Theme Kids Room Wallpaper, Giraffe, Elephant, Lioness,Cub, Zebra, Customised Jungle Theme Kids Room Wallpaper, Giraffe, Elephant, Lioness,Cub, Zebra, Customised
Dschungelthema-Kinderzimmertapete, Giraffe, Elefant, Löwin, Jungtier, Zebra, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Cosmic Cutie: Wallpaper for Your Little Astronaut's Nursery, Blue Cosmic Cutie: Wallpaper for Your Little Astronaut's Nursery, Blue
Cosmic Cutie: Tapete für das Kinderzimmer Ihres kleinen Astronauten, Blau

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Linear Theme Abstract Modern Striped Wallpaper, Multicolor by Life n Colors Buy Linear Theme Abstract Modern Striped Wallpaper, Multicolor by Life n Colors
Linear Theme Abstract Modern Striped Wallpaper, Multicolor

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Tropical Forest, Digitally Painted Wallpaper Yellow Tropical Forest, Digitally Painted Wallpaper Yellow
Tropischer Wald, digital bemalte Tapete Gelb

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Nature's Tropical Edge: Lakeside and Mountains, Black & White Nature's Tropical Edge: Lakeside and Mountains, Black & White
Leben in der Natur Schwarz-Weiß-Dschungeltapete

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Floral Radiance Framed Jharokha Wallpaper for Rooms, Customised Shop Floral Radiance Framed Jharokha Wallpaper for Rooms, Customised
Blumenstrahlende gerahmte Jharokha-Tapete für Räume, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

A love of Reading, Vintage Books Wallpaper, Customised A love of Reading, Vintage Books Wallpaper, Customised
Eine Liebe zum Lesen, Vintage-Bücher-Tapete, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Siberian Cranes in a Beautiful Background, Customised Wallpaper Siberian Cranes in a Beautiful Background, Customised Wallpaper
Sibirische Kraniche vor einem wunderschönen Hintergrund, individuelles Hintergrundbild

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Tropical Theme Vintage Wallpaper for Walls, Customised Tropical Theme Vintage Wallpaper for Walls, Customised
Tropische Vintage-Tapete für Wände, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Abstract Wallpaper Pattern Using Orange Leaves Abstract Wallpaper Pattern Using Orange Leaves
Abstraktes Tapetenmuster mit orangefarbenen Blättern

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Tropical Leaves in Subtle Background Wallpaper Design Tropical Leaves in Subtle Background Wallpaper Design
Tropische Blätter im dezenten Hintergrund-Tapetendesign

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Lotus Leaves in Tropical Setting Wallpaper Lotus Leaves in Tropical Setting Wallpaper
Tapete mit Lotusblättern in tropischer Umgebung

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Nature Inspired Indian Design with Swans and Peacock Nature Inspired Indian Design with Swans and Peacock
Von der Natur inspiriertes indisches Design mit Schwänen und Pfau

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Vincent Van Gough Almond Blossom Wallpaper, Green Vincent Van Gough Almond Blossom Wallpaper, Green
Vincent Van Gough Mandelblüten-Tapete, Grün

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Golden Stripes With Marble Design Room Wallpaper, Customised Golden Stripes With Marble Design Room Wallpaper, Customised
Goldene Streifen mit Marmordesign-Raumtapete, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Marble Stone Wallpaper, Abstract Design Pattern Marble Stone Wallpaper, Abstract Design Pattern
Marmor-Stein-Tapete, abstraktes Designmuster

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Big Red Flowers on Black and Grey Background Wallpaper, Customised Big Red Flowers on Black and Grey Background Wallpaper, Customised
Große rote Blumen auf schwarzem und grauem Hintergrund, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Indian Mughal Themed Wallpaper for Rooms Indian Mughal Themed Wallpaper for Rooms
Indische Mogul-Tapete für Räume

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Pink Large Floral Print Wallpaper for Rooms Pink Large Floral Print Wallpaper for Rooms
Rosa große Tapete mit Blumendruck für Räume

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Tropical Theme Wallpaper Design with Flamingoes Tropical Theme Wallpaper Design with Flamingoes
Tropisches Tapetendesign mit Flamingos

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Chinoiserie Design, Mustard Yellow Wallpaper for Walls, Customised Chinoiserie Design, Mustard Yellow Wallpaper for Walls, Customised
Chinoiserie-Design, senfgelbe Tapete für Wände, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Colourful Cows Pichwai Wallpaper for Rooms, Customised Colourful Cows Pichwai Wallpaper for Rooms, Customised
Bunte Kühe Pichwai-Tapete für Räume, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Chinoiserie Wall Mural with Birds and Flowers, Customised Chinoiserie Wall Mural with Birds and Flowers, Customised
Chinoiserie-Wandbild mit Vögeln und Blumen, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Chinoiserie Lemons, Customised Wallpaper for Walls Chinoiserie Lemons, Customised Wallpaper for Walls
Chinoiserie-Zitronen, maßgeschneiderte Tapete für Wände

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

3D Moulding Design Wallpaper, Customised for Walls, Grey 3D Moulding Design Wallpaper, Customised for Walls, Grey
3D-Design-Tapete, individuell für Wände, Grau

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Buy 3D Moulding Wall Panel Theme Wallpaper, Grey, Customised 3D Moulding Wall Panel Theme Wallpaper, Grey, Customised. Buy Online
3D-Wandpaneel-Thementapete, Grau, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Banjara Design Wallpaper Roll in  Blush Pink Color Banjara Design Wallpaper Roll in  Blush Pink Color Buy Online
Banjara Design Tapetenrolle in der Farbe Blush Pink

starts at ₹ 5,775.00

Tango Design Wallpaper Roll in Maroon Color Buy Tango Design Wallpaper Roll in Maroon Color
Tapetenrolle im Tango-Design in der Farbe Kastanienbraun

starts at ₹ 5,775.00

Stripes Design Wallpaper Roll in Blue and Maroon Color Stripes Design Wallpaper Roll in Blue and Maroon Color For Rooms
Streifen-Design-Tapetenrolle in den Farben Blau und Kastanienbraun

starts at ₹ 5,775.00

Harmonie Stripe Design Wallpaper Roll in Black and Beige Color Harmonie Stripe Design Wallpaper Roll in Black and Beige Color for Rooms
Tapetenrolle im Harmonie-Streifendesign in den Farben Schwarz und Beige

starts at ₹ 5,775.00

Phulwari Indian Design Wallpaper Roll in Yellow Color Shop Phulwari Indian Design Wallpaper Roll in Yellow Color
Phulwari Indian Design Tapetenrolle in gelber Farbe

starts at ₹ 5,775.00

Gulmohar Indian Theme Wallpaper Rolls in Blue Color for Rooms Shop Gulmohar Indian Theme Wallpaper Rolls in Blue Color
Tapetenrollen mit indischem Motiv von Gulmohar in blauer Farbe

starts at ₹ 5,775.00

Serene Abstract Mood Blue Colors Room Wallcovering Serene Abstract Mood Blue Colors Room Wallcovering
Serene Abstract Mood Blue Colors Raumwandverkleidung

starts at ₹ 5,775.00

Blossom Garden: Gorgeous Floral Wallpaper Blossom Garden: Gorgeous Floral Wallpaper
Blossom Garden Wunderschöne Schlafzimmertapete mit Blumenmuster

starts at ₹ 5,775.00

Indian Motif Look Wallpaper for Rooms, Olive Green Indian Motif Look Wallpaper for Rooms, Olive Green
Indische Motiv-Look-Tapete für Räume, Olivgrün

starts at ₹ 5,775.00

Vintage Style Floral Pattern Wallpaper for Rooms Vintage Style Floral Pattern Wallpaper for Rooms
Tapete mit Blumenmuster im Vintage-Stil für Räume

starts at ₹ 5,775.00

Sharmana, Indian Motif Theme Wallpaper Sharmana, Indian Motif Theme Wallpaper
Sharmana, Hintergrundbild mit indischem Motiv

starts at ₹ 5,775.00

abstract tropical wallpaper design by lifencolors abstract tropical wallpaper design by lifencolors buy online
Industrie-Look-Ikat-Muster-Fusion-Design-Tapete, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Plum Blossom Chinoiserie Style Cream Color Wallpaper for Rooms Living Room
Plum Blossom Chinoiserie Style Cream Color Wallpaper for Rooms Wardrobe
Tapete im Pflaumenblüten-Chinoiserie-Stil für Zimmer

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

life n colors amara wallpaper design lifencolors amara monochrome wallpaper buy online
Amara, abstraktes Tapetendesign für Räume, individuell

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Chhaya Block Print Wallpaper design for Rooms begie Chhaya Block Print Wallpaper design for Rooms begie rajasthani textile hand crafted
Itihaas, Indische Themenzimmertapete, Blau

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Chhaya Block Print Wallpaper design for Rooms beige and blue Chhaya Block Print Wallpaper design for Rooms beige and blue rajasthani print textile hand crafted
Itihaas, Indische Themenzimmertapete, Blau

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Blush & Bloom Line art Floral Wallpaper Customised Blush & Bloom Line art Floral Wallpaper Customised
Blush & Bloom Line Art Blumentapete individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Bagaan Indian Art Inspired Wallpaper Bagaan Indian Art Inspired Wallpaper
Von der Bagaan-Indianerkunst inspirierte Tapete

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Brasil, A Fascinating Colorful Tropical Wallpaper, Customised Brasil, A Fascinating Colorful Tropical Wallpaper, Customised
Brasilien, eine faszinierende farbenfrohe tropische Tapete

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Arzoo, Abstract Theme Room Wallpaper, Customised Arzoo, Abstract Theme Room Wallpaper, Customised
Arzoo, abstrakte Themenraumtapete, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Frida Kahlo, Modern Room Wallpaper, Customised Frida Kahlo, Modern Room Wallpaper, Customisedallpaper
Frida Kahlo, moderne Raumtapete, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Industrial Look Ikat Pattern Fusion Design Wallpaper, Customised Industrial Look Ikat Pattern Fusion Design Wallpaper, Customised
Industrie-Look-Ikat-Muster-Fusion-Design-Tapete, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Khoob, Tropical Trees Black and White Wallpaper Khoob, Tropical Trees Black and White Wallpaper
Khoob, Tropische Bäume Schwarz-Weiß-Tapete

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Fusion Theme Wallpaper for Homes Dream Palace, A Fusion Theme Wallpaper for Homes
Dream Palace, ein Fusion-Themen-Hintergrundbild für Häuser, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Blossom, Green Chinoiserie Wallpaper, Customised for living rooms Blossom, Green Chinoiserie Wallpaper, Customised
Blüte, Pfirsich-Chinoiserie-Tapete, individuell

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Pichwai Petals, Wallpaper Design, Customised Pichwai Petals, Wallpaper Design, Customised
Weiße Kuh und Lotusblumen, Pichwai-Tapete

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

The Tree House Club Kids Room Wallpaper Sepia color
The Tree House Club Kids Room Wallpaper Sepia color

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

The Tree House Club Kids Room Wallpaper The Tree House Club Kids Room Wallpaper

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Botanical Muse Tropical  Wallpaper, Brown Background Customised Botanical Muse Tropical  Wallpaper, Brown Background Customised
Abstrakte Design-Tapete, grüner strukturierter Hintergrund, individuell

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Jungle Joyride Wallpaper for Kids Rooms Jungle Joyride Wallpaper for Kids Rooms hot air balloon, glider, animals,
Dschungel-Feier-Tapete speziell für Kinder

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Abstrakte Design-Tapete, grüner strukturierter Hintergrund, individuell Abstrakte Design-Tapete, grüner strukturierter Hintergrund, individuell
Abstrakte Design-Tapete, grüner strukturierter Hintergrund, individuell

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Abstrakte Design-Tapete, grüner strukturierter Hintergrund, individuell Abstrakte Design-Tapete, grüner strukturierter Hintergrund, individuell
Abstrakte Design-Tapete, grüner strukturierter Hintergrund, individuell

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Abstrakte Design-Tapete, grüner strukturierter Hintergrund, individuell Abstrakte Design-Tapete, grüner strukturierter Hintergrund, individuell
Abstrakte Design-Tapete, grüner strukturierter Hintergrund, individuell

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Madhuban Indian Floral Jharoka Wallpaper in Suneherii Collection Golden Madhuban Indian Floral Jharoka Wallpaper in Suneherii Collection Golden
Ram Swayamvar-Tapete in der Suneherii-Kollektion

starts at ₹ 22,000.00

Yellow Chinoiserie Wallpaper with Flowers and Birds, Panels Yellow Chinoiserie Wallpaper with Flowers and Birds, Panels
Yellow Chinoiserie Wallpaper with Flowers and Birds, Panels

starts at ₹ 13,020.00

Poetic Garden, Chinoiserie Wallpaper on Walls Poetic Garden, Chinoiserie Wallpaper on Walls Shop Now
Rosa Chinoiserie, rosa Farbraumtapete

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Jungle Tales, Nursery Room Wallpaper, Customised Blue Color Jungle Tales, Nursery Room Wallpaper, Customised Blue Color
Dschungelgeschichten, Kinderzimmer-Tapete, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Jungle Tales, Nursery Room Wallpaper, Customised Beige Color Shop Jungle Tales, Nursery Room Wallpaper, Customised Beige Color By Lifencolors
Dschungelgeschichten, Kinderzimmer-Tapete, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Jungle Animals in White Background, Kids Rooms Customised Wallpaper Beige Color Jungle Animals in White Background, Kids Rooms Customised Wallpaper Beige Color
Dschungeltiere auf weißem Hintergrund, individuelle Tapete für Kinderzimmer

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Exotic Jungle Theme Kids Room Wall Covering Sepia Color Exotic Jungle Theme Kids Room Wall Covering Sepia Color Buy Now
Exotische Dschungel-Thema-Wandverkleidung für Kinderzimmer

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Sepia Jungle Bubble Kids Room Wallpaper Shop Sepia Jungle Bubble Kids Room Wallpaper By Lifencolors

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Beige Color Space Expedition Wallpaper for Kids Beige Color Space Expedition Wallpaper for Kids
Blaue Weltraumexpeditionstapete für Kinder

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Lets go on a moon walk, Cute kids room wallpaper, Sepia Lets go on a moon walk, Cute kids room wallpaper, Sepia Buy Now
Lass uns einen Mondspaziergang machen, süße Kinderzimmertapete, Blau

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Jungle Class Room with Animals Wallpaper, Customised Sepia Shop Now Jungle Class Room with Animals Wallpaper, Customised Sepia
Dschungel-Klassenzimmer mit Tiertapete, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Cute Animal Safari Wallpaper for Kids sepia Cute Animal Safari Wallpaper for Kids sepia Shop now
Niedliche Tiersafari-Tapete für Kinder

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Jungle Safari Kids Room Wallpaper, Customised Sepia Color Jungle Safari Kids Room Wallpaper, Customised Sepia Color
Dschungel-Safari-Kinderzimmer-Tapete, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Ocean World, Kids Room Wallpaper, Customised Sepia Color Ocean World, Kids Room Wallpaper, Customised Sepia Color
Ozeanwelt, Kinderzimmer Tapete, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Jungle Theme Kids Room Wallpaper, Giraffe, Elephant, Lioness,Cub, Zebra, Customised Sepia Color Jungle Theme Kids Room Wallpaper, Giraffe, Elephant, Lioness,Cub, Zebra, Customised Sepia Color
Dschungelthema-Kinderzimmertapete, Giraffe, Elefant, Löwin, Jungtier, Zebra, individuell gestaltet

starts at ₹ 5,655.00

Twilight Haven Vintage European Style Wallpaper Fresh Green Color Twilight Haven Vintage European Style Wallpaper Fresh Green Color
Twilight Haven Vintage-Tapete im europäischen Stil

starts at ₹ 8,250.00

Twilight Haven Vintage European Style Wallpaper Smoky Olive Color Twilight Haven Vintage European Style Wallpaper Smoky Olive Color
Twilight Haven Vintage-Tapete im europäischen Stil

starts at ₹ 8,250.00

Twilight Haven Vintage European Style Wallpaper Vintage Green Color Twilight Haven Vintage European Style Wallpaper Vintage Green Color
Twilight Haven Vintage-Tapete im europäischen Stil

starts at ₹ 8,250.00

High-quality, Eco-friendly Wallpapers for wall- Collection for Modern Home & Offices

Wallpapers have always been a popular choice for interior transformation of home & Office walls. With new and modern design and technology, wallpaper for walls have evolved into a versatile solution for transforming your spaces, offering multiple options to suit every style and budget. Wallpapers for wall are now available in different bold patterns and subtle textures, that enhance the ambience of any room while adding personal touch and beauty.

Why choose wallpaper for walls?

Wall decor is a crucial part of every home. It can add a visual interest that reflects the taste and personality of the individual. Wallpaper for walls revitalize the home’s spirit. It augments the living space with overwhelming opulence. Wallpapers for home wall take the entire look of the house to a whole new level. Here’s why they are worth considering:

  • Versatility- From minimalist designs to bold artistic expression, wallpapers cater to every aesthetic.
  •  Ease of transformation- Unlike paint, wallpapers can offer intricate designs and texture without much effort.
  • Durability- High-quality Premium wallpapers last longer, providing value for money.
  • Eco-friendly- Some wallpaper for walls are made with sustainable materials, which are an eco-friendly option to reduce environmental impact.

Impact of Wallpapers on Different Rooms

Each wallpaper in your home has unique requirements, so the wallpaper for wall should be chosen carefully to enhance the aspects of that place.

Wallpapers for Living Room Walls

The living room is the heart of the home and wallpaper for living room walls can set the tone for comfort and style. Plane and boring walls can become a depressing sight for residents of the place and visitors. For the makeover of the living room-

  • Use textured or metallic wallpapers to create an elegant accent wall.
  • Opt for floral or geometric designs to add visual interest.
  • Neutral tones or pastel shades turn the look more spacious.

Wallpapers for Bedroom Walls

For a serene and comfortable atmosphere, choose Best wallpaper for bedroom walls that promote relaxation.

  • Soft patterns or muted colours create a soothing environment.
  • Consider fabric or non-woven wallpapers for their breathable qualities.
  • Accent war behind the bed with bold patterns can add a modern look.

3d Wallpapers for wall

3d wallpapers for wall are an innovative type of wall covering that is made up of layers of textured paper or fabric that creates a raised pattern when viewed from different angles.

  • A properly installed wallpaper can last for 8 to 10 years.
  • The lively patterns make a small room look bigger, giving the boring walls more depth and interest
  • 3d wallpapers combine modern art with lively designs, giving your decor a structured but stylish touch.

Pichwai Theme Wallpapers for wall

Pichwai wallpaper for walls have a devotional and spiritual connection. These wallpapers are based on Pichwai art which originated from Rajasthan and reflect the beautiful stories of Lord Krishna and Srinathji.

  • Soothing colours infuse an ethnic vibe into the decor.
  • A Pichwai theme wallpaper can transform the room into a harmonious blend of art, culture, and elegance.

Pooja Room Wallpaper

Pooja room wallpapers are designed traditionally in Pichwai designs, floral patterns, geometric motifs, and beautiful pictures of God to bring joy and happiness to the space.

  • Pooja Room Wallpapers are generally kept in soothing colours to bring positivity in the atmosphere.
  • Soft and subtle designs in pooja room wallpapers for walls maintain the sanctity and purity of the space.

Wallpapers for Kids room

For a child’s room. Your Kids Room Wallpaper should be playful and imaginative.

  • Look for interactive designs like maps, animal prints, or cartoon themes.
  • Use peel-and-stick wallpapers for flexibility as their tastes evolve.

Wallpaper for Office Space

Beautiful, colourful, and lively wallpaper in the office can help create a positive atmosphere and improve productivity. The wall behind the desk is a great option for wallpaper decoration in your office space.

  • Opt for subtle textures and abstract patterns to avoid distractions.
  • For a touch of luxury, metal or deceptively real-looking imitation wallpaper models are a good option.

Chinoiserie Wallpaper for Room

Chinoiserie wallpaper is a timeless design style inspired by Chinese artistic traditions, characterized by intricate patterns, nature-inspired motifs, and a luxurious aesthetic. It often features scenes of landscapes, birds, pagodas, and flowers, blending Eastern elegance with Western refinement.

Features of Chinoiserie Wallpaper:

  • Exquisite Detailing: Hand-painted or digitally printed designs with intricate elements.
  • Nature-Inspired Motifs: Common themes include cherry blossoms, bamboo, cranes, and dragons.
  • Versatile Color Palettes: From soft pastels to rich, bold hues, chinoiserie works with various interior styles.
  • Luxurious Appeal: Often associated with opulent settings, chinoiserie elevates any space's ambiance.

Where to Apply Chinoiserie Wallpapers :

  • Living Rooms: Creates a statement wall, adding sophistication and charm.
  • Bedrooms: Offers a serene and artistic backdrop for relaxation.
  • Dining Areas: Enhances the room's elegance, perfect for entertaining.
  • Commercial Spaces: Adds a luxurious and unique touch to high-end boutiques or restaurants.

Installation Techniques and Tips

The beauty of the wallpaper is enhanced more if installed properly. Here’s how to install it with a flawless finish:


  1. Clean the walls- Remove dust and grease for better adhesion.
  2. Repair and maintenance- Fill cracks or holes for a smooth surface.
  3. Measure accurately- Avoid wastage by calculating the exact dimensions.


  1. Choose the right adhesive- different wallpapers need different adhesives for proper application.
  2. Start from the centre- begin application from the focal point of the wall for the symmetrical application.
  3. Smooth out bubbles- wallpaper brush or smoother tools give a bubble-free finish.

Post-installation Care of Wallpapers

  1. Avoid direct sunlight- prolonged exposure to sunlight can fade out the colour.
  2. Clean with care- wallpapers should be cleaned with a damp cloth. No harsh cleaners should be used.

Factors to Consider when Choosing Wallpaper:

  • Design and Style- The wallpaper design for wall should match the room’s theme and furniture. Patterns should be selected according to the size of the room. large prints work well in big rooms, while small patterns are ideal for compact spaces.
  • Material and Durability- Different materials in wallpapers are available for different rooms. Paper-based and grass cloth are eco-friendly & Best wallpapers for home walls.
  • Lighting- Reflective or metallic wallpapers can brighten up dim spaces. Whereas, dark wallpapers can make the room feel more cozy, but require good lighting.
  • Budget- There are affordable peel-and-stick wallpapers and designer ones of a high range. Set a budget and explore options within that range.
  • Maintenance- There are different maintenance tips for different types of wallpapers. Wallpaper for bathrooms should be humid-free. Washable wallpapers are practical for kid's rooms and kitchens.
  • Warranty: Life n colors wallpapers come with 8 Years color Warranty.


Wallpaper for walls offer endless possibilities from floral, nature-inspired, modern contemporary, and traditional design ideas. With a variety of materials, patterns, and finishes available, you can create a unique ambiance that reflects your personality and lifestyle. A mesmerizing wallpaper connects very well with the owners and the guests. Wallpapers are durable, cost-effective, and will last long.

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