Mughlai Wallpaper For Drawing Room

10 bedroom wallpaper

Why use wallpapers in a Drawing room?

  1. Creating a Warm and Inviting Space: Wallpapers are an excellent way to make a drawing room feel warm and inviting. The right wallpapers can instantly make the room inviting and cozy, creating a welcoming atmosphere for guests. Depending on the color and pattern of the wallpaper, it can also set the tone of the room, whether it’s a formal, modern, or rustic space.

  2. Adding Color and Texture to a Room: Wallpapers also add color and texture to a room. By choosing from a variety of patterns and colors, you can create a look that is unique to your space. Additionally, wallpapers help to add visual interest to a space and can draw attention to a particular area or feature in the room.

  3. Keeping the Room Tidy: Wallpapers are also great for keeping the drawing room tidy. By covering up any imperfections on the walls, wallpapers can help to hide any dirt, dust, or stains that may be present. Additionally, wallpapers can help to hide any wires or cords that may be present, creating a neat and clutter-free space.

  4. Enhancing the Aesthetic: Last but not least, wallpapers for drawing room walls are a great way to enhance the aesthetic of a room. With so many styles and designs available, you can easily find the perfect wallpaper to fit your style and vision for the room. Whether it’s a bold, vibrant pattern or a subtle, muted texture, wallpapers can easily transform a room’s look and feel.


But what if you don't know how to choose the best wallpaper for your living room?


Choosing the best wallpaper for your living room can be a daunting task, as there are so many options available. However, there are a few key things to consider when it comes to selecting the best wallpaper for your living room.


First, consider the overall design theme of your living room. If your room has a contemporary feel, you may want to opt for a modern wallpaper with bold colors and geometric patterns. On the other hand, if your living room has a more traditional feel, you may want to choose a classic wallpaper with a subtle pattern or muted colors. Additionally, it’s important to consider the size of your living room when choosing a wallpaper. If you have a large space, you can go for bolder patterns and colors, but if your living room is on the smaller side, you may want to stick to more subtle designs. Finally, think about the color palette of your living room. The wallpaper should complement the existing colors and decor of the room, so make sure to keep that in mind when making your selection.


What are the traditional Indian options for living room wallpapers?


Pichwai Designs:

Pichwai design wallpapers are well-crafted and hand-painted, making them an ideal choice for modern art lovers. They are also an affordable choice for adding a touch of style and sophistication to your living room.


Chinoiserie Designs:

Chinoiserie wallpapers has been a captivating style of interior design for centuries. Our Fascinating Enchantment Wall is the perfect way to introduce this style into your home. Inspired by Chinese and East Asian motifs, it features birds, flowers, and insects in a charmingly colorful floral pattern.



Tropical Designs:

You can go for something modern and sleek or you can opt for a more traditional style. If you want to create a tropical jungle theme in your living room, then you may want to look into some tropical jungle theme wallpaper designs. Our Anandvan Wallpaper design is a perfect design for bringing uniqueness to your living rooms.


This wallpaper depicts lush greenery and bears on a subtle background and is the perfect jungle wallpaper design for a sophisticated appearance. Breathe new life into your home with this refreshing wallpaper and transport yourself close to nature to relax and enjoy.


Indian Scenic Wallpaper:

Indian scenic wallpaper is becoming increasingly popular these days. These designs depict old rich Indian culture. Celebrate Indianness with Bharat - the jewel of our sukoon collection. The design is inspired by the legacy of our Rich Indian architecture ; surrounded by forts and garden conveying our lavish lifestyle and celebrating our traditions through royal animals, If you’re looking to convert your space into a sophisticated and regal setting with an Indian touch, this wallpaper checks all the criteria.

Warli Art Wallpaper:

Warli art is an Indian art form that is an amazing amalgamation of folk and tribal art. It originated in the state of Maharashtra and has a lot of tribal influence in it. Warli paintings are usually of geometric patterns along with faces and figures. These paintings serve as an excellent decoration material and hence decorate the walls of the houses in Maharashtra. They give the rooms a rich look.

Some tips for the best living room wallpaper design:


- Choose a wallpaper that complements your furniture style and color scheme of house

- Ensure the pattern you choose does not get hidden behind furniture

- Explore customisation options to match wallpaper with your design philosophy


Be sure to include one of these 5 ideas to spice up your design and bring Life and Colors to your living rooms. If home is where the heart is, take a photo of your favourite living space and share it with us on WhatsApp 9971673335 to get customised wallpaper ideas for your walls!


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