If you are residing in Delhi, Gurgaon, Kanpur, Noida etc. you will find that use of wallpapers has increased multi-fold in past few years. You will also find various wallpaper shops in Delhi, Gurgaon or Kanpur which have come up selling imported wallpapers in gurgaon Call +91-9818900484 . Even online stores like Amazon etc. also list Buy online wallpapers Call @ +91-9818900484 . Life N Colors has the best wallpapers for your walls, imported from European and American markets. Life N Colors has a wallpaper studio in Gurgaon. We have created a quick guide on how to and where from buy wallpapers for your homes.
Before you select wallpapers, first select a good wallpaper store near you Call @ +91-9818900484 .

Though online stores are also trying to sell wallpapers however try avoiding them. The problems faced from online wallpaper shopping include- mismatch in design color. colors are not clearly shown, as people use filters etc. to enhance online images and you don’t get to know real pattern or colors in this case. So, if you have bought wallpapers online and delivery comes, you might feel that it is not as per your expectations.
In online purchase, you only get material and then you need to find a good applicator to apply wallpapers. It’s a tough job indeed. You might not get good installer. If you purchase from a store they ensure that application is also good quality and hence your wallpaper last really long.
So, go for a good wallpaper store near you. Many of the stores are selling Chinese products which might seem cheap however they are of bad quality. You may face problems of color fading, wallpaper chipping off, foul smell or VOC content causing breathing problems etc. Many a times such wallpapers also have problems in matching patterns while application. These overly shiny wallpapers look gaudy and will look boring after some time.
Choose high quality material, look for technical features such as GSM of paper, what type of backing is being used (woven or non-woven), is it vinyl or paper based, do they have VOC used during making, are they washable, and are they fire retardant? It is better to invest your money well on product which have good technical features.
You should try to visit store for shortlisting rather than asking wallpaper supplier to send catalogues home. There are thousands of designs available at any good store which might be difficult to carry to your place. Once you visit such a store, you will be able to see various options, understand technical features, get expert opinion from wall stylists on what will look good or not as per your design theme.

You may like to carry your home planned designs, or pictures of furniture etc. this will help you match wallpapers as per your design themes. In case you have an interior designer helping you with designs, please ask her to also accompany you. She will help you select better. Once you have shortlisted wallpapers, ask store to send these to your site for finalization. At site, you will able to visualize how wallpapers will look.
At the time of finalization, ask store to send technical person for measurement and also to see if walls are ready for wallpapers. Different wallpapers may need different wall preparations. They will also be able to check if walls are without seepage.
So now you are ready to shop for beautiful wallpapers for various walls in your home. To know more consult www.lifencolors.in Or call +91-9818900484
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